Friday, November 5, 2010

Plastic Manic!!!

The plastic bags are such a big problem for our Mother Earth,.'s very difficult to decompose naturally, plus, it hard to recycled.
...It need 200-400 years to decompose.

Plastic bags are often made from polyethylene,
which consists of long chains of ethylene monomers...
Ethylene is derived from natural gas and petroleum,
Energy resources that began a rare and needed by us...

...Too many animals dead caused by plastic waste.
...They swallow or twisted by that plastic bags.
...In Australia, there are more than 100.000 animals dead per year because of this.

Burning plastic is make the toxic substances released to the air...
It could be weaken the human immune and causing cancer...

...Plasticizer (some kind of softener substance),
is applied in plastic bag production process to make it smooth, slick, and flexible.

...This plasticizer and its monomers will contaminate
the wrapped food and poisoned our body

The plastic bag is contain the carcinogens and it can poisoned us...

...This trashes from world agricultural sector are reached 100 million tons per year.
...It can wrap the earth for 10 times.

:So please, please, let's make a difference:
When you purchase something, please refuse the plastic bags
*especially if the things is not too big*

Always put the cloth bag
inside your bag

If you have to use the plastic bags, don't use it once
Fold that plastic bags and use it another time

Don't put the organic waste in the closed plastic bag
*That organic waste wouldn't decompose perfectly, though in 10 years later*

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